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Терміново! Заява МЗС України про початок масштабної анти-терористичної операції
Опубліковано 14 квітня 2014 року о 13:18

13 April, 2014

In the eastern regions of Ukraine, the Russian special service and saboteurs embarked on the large-scale separatist operations to seize power, destabilize the situation threatening the lives of citizens of Ukraine, as well as the separation of the regions of our country.

In order to protect the lives of people, territorial integrity and security of the State, the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine has decided to launch a full-scale anti-terrorist operation against those who attempt to destroy our country.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has all the necessary concrete evidence of the involvement of the Russian special service to the separatist revolt and capture of state institutions in the eastern regions of Ukraine. The relevant information and evidence will be presented to the international community at the meeting on 17 April in Geneva.

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