On May 9, 2022 Ambassador of Ukraine in Finland Olga Dibrova participated in the seminar “The War in Ukraine, Russia's Operations - Impacts on Finland and Finnish Business” hosted by the Confederation of Finnish Industries
Elinkeinoelämän keskusliitto EK.
The opening speech was given by Jaana Tuominen, Chairman of the Board of EK.
Among the speakers of the panel discussion were:
Minister of Defense Antti Kaikkonen
Chief Economist Tuuli Koivu, Nordea
Deputy Chairman of the Board Jussi Herlin, Kone Corporation
Tommi Uitto, Vice President, Mobile Networks, Nokia
A further statement was made by the EU Commissioner for International Partnerships Jutta Urpilainen: “The war has shown us, Europeans, how important security and unity are to us”.
During the seminar the Ambassador Olga Dibrova comprehensively presented the current security, political and economic situation in Ukraine amid russia’s full-scale military invasion.
According to the Ambassador, the Russian barbaric invasion is a clear sign that it is time to rebuild European security system, improve international law and create all necessary conditions to change russia’s posture once and forever.
Ambassador Olga Dibrova highlighted the main solutions needed to stop the atrocities by russia in Ukraine:
unity of the international community in threating russian government as criminals, including full political and economic isolation of russia, i.e. further strengthening of sanction regime, trade embargo, expelling russia from all international organizations;
resolve of the West in providing Ukraine all necessary military means to put Russian forces from the territory of Ukraine;
clear path to the punishment of all responsible for committing crimes against humanity, genocide and war crimes.
“We command the moral leadership of Finland, which contributed comprehensively to all these tracks. The goal of Ukraine is to restore our territorial integrity within internationally recognized borders. And only if this is achieved international rules-based system and democratic values of the democratic world are protected”, - said the Ambassador.